The Thorntonator

Linda Thornton is a lawyer who has lived in Sierra Madre, California for 28 years. She has been a supporter of open, clean government, and environmental protection for many years.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Why sponsor an initiative?

The 2-30-13 initiative is being brought as an initiative because of the failure of the City Council to act to put the Downtown Specific Plan before the people for a vote.

The Downtown Specific Plan was an issue in the April municipal campaign. Three Council Members were elected, each one stating an intention to have the DSP put before the voters. So, what happened? you might ask. Many people are still wondering what happened. When the matter came before the City Council only two council members were prepared to vote to place the DSP on the ballot.

To a less determined citizenry, that might have been the end of it. In this case, however, a group of people committed to preserving the independence of our community and with a strong desire to maintain the downtown village atmosphere that has brought so many of us to Sierra Madre has banded together with other like-minded people to promote the 2-30-13 initiative.

The California Constitution reserves to the people the right of initiative. It is a method whereby voters can propose legislation and bring it before the voters. Once passed by the voters, it cannot be repealed or substantively altered except by the voters.

If the 2-30-13 initiative is passed by the voters at a municipal election, it will be the law of the City unless and until repealed by the voters. In this way, the citizens will have implemented the general plan in a way that every single City Council since the general plan was amended in 1996.

It does not take much imagination to see that millions of dollars are at stake. The proponents of this initiative can expect a dirty fight--some tactics have already been brought out. Be prepared for a tough fight. Be prepared to go the distance for your village community.